1. Anot it. Make a list of your purchases, including those insignificant (for example, a bottle of beer, or a gum). At the end of the month, you will be able to see how much money was spent in vain, and I am sure that you will be shocked. This will help you keep your plan of waste and keep the spare money on trifles you can choose live without.
2. Think twice. Colorful and confusing advertisements promising and encouraging. Keep momentary desires, they may surprise you in a very unpleasant way.
3. Categorize. Use personal budgeting software that can help you organize your expenses and manage its budget in general - is a decision useful if you need to control and access to everything you paid. To do this, create a file with these categories: food, transportation, entertainment, clothing etc. Determine approximate standard and monitor how you can spend.
4. Make a deposit. Bank balance is the money, which can help you when a purchase or in their difficult times. The amount may be different, which is intended to be a small part of their salary or unspent money. You can not have the temptation to waste their wages, if it immediately.
5 bank. Not borrowed. Try not to borrow money round since it is a well known thing to be in debt to the ears is much easier to stay clear of them!
Financial issues are based on the use of the wrong. Face some problems most people start to think of how to spend less money, but not to spend rationally. And it is one of the most widespread of errors! This rigid economy can bring to ruin. The best alternative is that its spending plan, emphasizing its priorities and decide what will cost him. It does not require any special knowledge and skills, you just have to be unscrupulous. vera alejandra
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